LMIA job offer, where LMIA stands for Labour Market Impact Assessment is well known to those who seeking Canada immigration as a confirm selection. So what is this LMIA job offer? First of all, one must know about LMIA and ...
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Want to get a Permanent Residence? Go for study and get Canadian experience!
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In recent years, a study by Statistic Canada said the year between 2000-2018 foreign workers & students increased exponentially. Over half i.e. 59% of new economic class immigrants in 2018 were former Temporary Foreign Workers. More immigrants are gaining permanent ...
The influx of people into Canada “an engine” of economic growth.
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Canada’s economic growth is dependent on immigrants- “an engine”. As the coronavirus pandemic raged across the country in March, Marco Mendicino, the federal minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship, announced his plan to battle Canada’s looming demographic problem. More than ...